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Fleet Street

The Stanford Fleet Street Singers, or simply “Fleet Street,” was founded in 1981 with barbershop roots. The group is known for performing an incredible number of songs entirely written by members of the group. Most songs are funny. Really funny, that is. And in case the songs aren't funny, Fleet Street strives to create a multimedia experience for audiences with original sketch comedy and short films during its shows.

Fleet Street is rooted in the Stanford tradition: bedecked in cardinal-red bowties and socks, we remain the only group on campus devoted to the preservation of Stanford's rich history of music. In fact, the university recently tapped Fleet Street to be its musical ambassadors and to an entire album of classic fight songs in honor of Stanford's centennial.

Nevertheless, this rowdy bunch perpetuates a legacy of expanding what college a cappella means because Fleet Street is certainly not afraid of, as the kids say, “doing their own thang.”
